Paul Daniel Marriott
Guide to Historic Roads


MarriottIn 2008, the Fitch Foundation awarded a Fitch Mid-Career Research grant to Paul Daniel Marriott to research and write a new guide to assist state and tribal historic preservation offices, as well as local governments and historic road advocates, with the historical background, strategies and tools to better identify and preserve our nation’s historic rooad. The Preservation Office Guide to Historic Roads: Clarifying Preservation Goals for State Historic Preservation Offices, Establishing Preservation Expectations for State Transportation Departments is available online at:

Henry Hudson Drive, Palisades Interstate Park, New Jersey Almost immediately after the New Jersey Palisades were protected from devastating quarrying operations by the Palisades Interstate Park Commission in 1900, discussions were underway to develop a great scenic “driveway” along the Hudson River. The Henry Hudson Drive, a segment of a proposed great scenic drive from New York to Albany (that included Storm King Highway, 1914), opened to great acclaim in 1921. (Credit: Dan Marriott)